Distance fare

First fare
Standard-sized taxi Up to the first 1300m 700 yen
Large taxi Up to the first 1300m 720 yen
Specific large taxi Up to the first 1300m 790 yen
Additional fare
Standard-sized taxi Every 347m 100 yen
Large taxi Every 214m 100 yen
Specific large taxi Every 208m 100 yen
Time distance combined fare and waiting fee
About operation time of less than 10 km per hour
Standard-sized taxi Every 2 minutes 05 seconds 100 yen
Large taxi Every 1 minute 20 seconds 100 yen
Specific large taxi Every 1 minute 15 seconds 100 yen

Charter rate

This is the price for chartering a taxi within Kumamoto city by the hour..
time Standard-sized taxi
【Capacity 4 people】
Large-sized taxi Jumbo taxi
1 hour 4,800 yen 6,840 yen 7,060 yen
2 hours 9,600 yen 13,680 yen 14,120 yen
3 hours 14,400 yen 20,520 yen 21,180 yen
4 hours 19,200 円 27,360 円 28,240 円
5 hours 24,000 yen 34,200 yen 35,300 yen
6 hours 28,800 yen 41,040 yen 42,360 yen
7 hours 33,600 yen 47,880 yen 49,420 yen
8 hours 38,400 yen 54,720 yen 56,480 yen
9 hours 43,420 yen 61,560 yen 63,540 yen

Hourly fare

Standard-sized taxi Every 30 minutes 2,400 yen
Large taxi Every 30 minutes 3,420 yen
Specific large taxi Every 30 minutes 3,530 yen

Other charges

Late night and early morning charges
From 10pm – 5am 20% premium
Pick up charge
A pick up charge will be incurred if the pick up point is over 2 kms away, under 2 km will not be charged
Discount fares
(1)Physical disability discount 10% discount
(2)Intellectual disability discount 10% discount
(3)Mentally disability discount 10% discount
Long distance discount
Standard-sized taxi When fare exceeds 9,000 yen, discount is applied to the fare from 9,000 and above 10% discount
Large taxi When fare exceeds 9,000 yen, discount is applied to the fare from 9,000 and above 10% discount
Specific large taxi When fare exceeds 15,000 yen, discount is applied to the fare from 15,000 and above. 10% discount

※Fare is the amount including consumption tax.